Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Animals are not ours to expirement on.

So for a research paper in one of my classes, Im doing it on animal testing. I recently went to the library and checked out some books, and did some online research as well. I have been a member of Peta since I was fourteen. I used to get flyers in the mail and hand them out to my friends. I have been a vegetarian on and off pretty much my entire life. Honestly, this is all something I am very passionate about and I think I was put on this earth to help animals somehow. I have spent the past three hours on the Peta website, doing things and researching how I can help. I am going Vegan this time, and for good. It is unbelievable what people do to animals, just for food and unnecessary testing. Dont we have enough makeup and hairspray products out there? Why must we be a population so obsessed with money that they constantly are making new products, and testing them on animals, blinding and killing them. It is sick and disgusting and I am just so sad that the poor helpless animals go through it. This is me declaring that I am officially and forever Vegan. I will not buy products that have been tested on, and I will not consume anything that a poor animal has suffered and died from. It is hard, especially being a poor college student, but it is totally worth it to me! And in the summer, I am going to volunteer at the humane society on my days off. I must do something. I just want to make a difference.


  1. Good for you! I have been a PETA member for a long time too. I also donate $10 to the WWF every is just something small but it helps..I have been a vegetarian for five almost six years now and I feel so much more satisfied that nothing had to die for me to survive.
    Amen and good luck to you!

  2. Cool! I'm not a fan of PETA just because they've done some stupid things and now have acquired themselves a bad reputation, though their ideals are awesome. Animal testing is truly despicable as is the treatment of livestock in our country. Good job, I'm nearly vegetarian (only chicken once in a while), hopefully one day complete vege! Our humane society is a little closed minded, otherwise I'd be helping out a lot. They have the most trouble keeping the place clean and un-smelly with all the small puppies and sick strays they get. I'm rambling, anyways, good job!

  3. Thanks guys! I have always been very passionate about animals Im surprised it has taken me this long to stick to being vegan! I am very proud of myself though.. but Im doing it for the poor animals who get treated horribly.. makes me sad.
