Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Write?

Why do I like to write... good question. I always seem to dread when I have essays due and have to write papers, but once I get started its completely different. I love to write, because its a way to get what is going on in my head out. Writing is an easier way for me to express how I feel because Im not actually saying it out loud. Once I start writing and get ideas out on paper or on a computer, my mind has a million things going through it and they can all just come out. I have been writing my whole life. Its something I picked up from my mom. She loves to write, and shes really good at it. I'll never tell her, but I dug through her journal one day and found the book she started writing. It was really good, and I wish she would have the confidence to finish it and try to get it published, but she wont. When i was younger i used to write plays and short stories all the time. It was a way to make up a life completely different from my own, with characters who were nothing like me. I used to write poems all the time, too. I dont really know why I stopped. Anyone who has read my poems love them, but the only problem is theres only like 2 people who have read them. They are just to personal, and I have issues with letting other people see that side of me. I think its just because I always act so lighthearted that no one can really take me seriously. To sum up this post, I write because I love to, and because its the only way I can truly get my real feelings out there without having to act tough, and like I dont care about anything.

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